Five Reasons to do an Apprenticeship
For many reasons choosing an apprenticeship is an obvious choice. For others, they may not have been the obvious choice. Some haven’t considered the opportunities and benefits of becoming an apprentice, take a look below at the five reasons to do an apprenticeship. Apprenticeships are exciting, as a paid employee you will be expected to keep on top of your day-to-day responsibilities, whilst learning new knowledge and skills on and off-the-job.
Earn while you learn
Apprentices do real jobs for real employers. This means you are paid while you learn skills specialised in your industry. If you are entering work for the first time, you will start earning from day one of your apprenticeship. There is no set rate of pay for apprentices, however, all employed apprentices must receive a minimum salary level, set at the national apprenticeship wage. If you are employed on apprenticeship wage and are 19+ on the second year of your apprenticeship, by law you move to the appropriate national minimum wage for your age bracket. Each employer sets the pay so make sure you look at details on the specific vacancy.
Apprentices receive training that helps them develop skills for life. Many of our apprenticeship standards also contain qualifications that are recognised nationally. If you live in England and are 16 years old and over, and not currently in full-time education, then you can apply to be an apprentice.

Get practical, relevant experience & training
Apprenticeships are designed with the help of employers in each industry. This means we’re able to offer a structured programme that takes you through the knowledge, skills, and behaviours you will need to do your job to a high standard.
There are targets and checks to make sure that your employer is supporting you and you are making progress. Your work-based trainer will always be on hand to support you, wherever you may be struggling.
Your end-point-assessment not only tests competency within your role, but offers you the opportunity to experience external assessment, develop communication and organisational skills, all valuable to you as you move forward in your career.
The sky is the limit
Apprenticeships can be demanding but they are very rewarding. You will get skills that employers really want, giving yourself a wide choice of career paths.
When you have finished training and successfully achieved your end-point assessment, you can carry on working, move to another job in the same sector, or maybe stay where you are and get promoted. Many of our apprentices stay on with their employer in their choice of work; employers often look for individuals who wish to grow within their company. Evidence suggests that those that complete an apprenticeship successfully have increased earning potential in the future.
You also could progress into higher education if this is something you’re interested in doing.
Amazing support
Our learner and business engagement consultants, work-based trainers, tutors, learner services and support team are there to inspire and support apprentices throughout the duration of their apprenticeship at the Grimsby Institute.
They liaise with employers and learners to ensure that each learner has a tailored apprenticeship to meet their career aspirations. They also ensure that the candidates they send over to employers are suitable for their company.
Our learner engagement team also provide a range of employability workshops and apprenticeship inductions to ensure that you are as prepared for your apprenticeship as can be, this may include things such as interview support or careers advice.
Learn on and off-the-job
As an apprentice, you get practical and relevant training whilst being fully employed.
This means that you are learning on-the-job whilst performing the duties set out within your job role, and off-the-job following the delivery plan and training package agreed with your employer and discussed during your enrolment.
All apprentices are entitled to a minimum 20% off-the-job time to support your learning and development, off-the-job may include; formal attendance at colleges in the classroom or workshop, training and workshops at your workplace, time portfolio building, research and assignments, this will all be set out within your commitment statement.

For many, choosing the apprenticeship route is an obvious choice. For others, it might not be the path they expected to follow.

Whilst learning the skills of the industry with an employer you will complete either an apprenticeship framework or standard including individualised training.